Title: Finding the Perfect Name with Chinese Astrology Birth Chart Naming Software

In the Chinese culture, selecting a name is a significant decision influenced by various factors, including the individual's birth chart or "生辰八字" (shēng chén bā zì). To assist in this important task, there are several reliable software options available tailored to Chinese astrology and naming conventions.

Here are some recommended Chinese astrology birth chart naming software:


《起名通》(Qǐmíng Tōng)


This software incorporates advanced algorithms based on Chinese astrology principles to generate auspicious names tailored to the individual's birth chart.


Users input the birth date and time, and the software analyzes the birth chart to provide a list of suitable names along with their meanings and potential influences.


It offers options to customize preferences based on cultural or personal preferences, such as selecting traditional or modern names, specific characters, or desired meanings.


《名字大全》(Míngzì Dàquán)

Comprehensive Database:

This software boasts an extensive database of Chinese names categorized by meanings, strokes, and pronunciation.

Integration with Birth Chart:

Users can input birth chart information, and the software filters the name suggestions according to the individual's astrological profile.

Additional Resources:

It provides additional resources such as articles on naming customs, tips for choosing auspicious names, and famous historical figures for inspiration.


《紫微斗数》(Zǐ Wēi Dòushù)

Astrological Insights:

This software not only offers name suggestions but also provides insights into the individual's personality traits, strengths, and weaknesses based on their birth chart.

Compatibility Analysis:

It includes features for analyzing compatibility between names and birth charts to ensure harmony and auspiciousness.

Consultation Services:

Users can access consultation services with experienced Chinese astrologers for personalized advice on name selection and other life decisions.


《易经起名》(Yìjīng Qǐmíng)

Integration of I Ching:

This software combines the principles of Chinese astrology with the wisdom of the I Ching (Book of Changes) to offer holistic name suggestions.

Symbolic Meanings:

It provides detailed explanations of the symbolic meanings behind each suggested name, allowing users to make informed decisions aligned with their values and aspirations.

UserFriendly Interface:

With a userfriendly interface, it caters to both novice users and those familiar with Chinese metaphysics.

Tips for Using Birth Chart Naming Software:


Accuracy of Birth Information:

Ensure the accuracy of the birth date and time inputted into the software for precise analysis and recommendations.


Consultation with Experts:

While software can provide valuable insights, consulting with experienced Chinese astrologers or naming specialists can offer personalized guidance and clarity.


Cultural Considerations:

Take into account cultural nuances and family traditions when selecting a name, balancing between modern trends and cultural heritage.


Meaningful and Harmonious Names:

Aim for names that carry positive meanings and resonate harmoniously with the individual's birth chart to enhance their life journey.

In conclusion, leveraging Chinese astrology birth chart naming software can simplify the process of selecting a meaningful and auspicious name aligned with an individual's astrological profile. By considering the recommended software options and following the provided tips, you can embark on this important journey with confidence and clarity.


